Company Establishment​

The new investment law facilitates the process of establishing companies in Egypt, by adhering to some basic rules that help in providing the company’s services without being exposed to legal violations and helping businessmen and people with ideas to establish companies in Egypt, but how to establish a company without violating the rules and laws or tax evasion and getting to know the Construction licenses is required,
Therefore, at EASYWAY, one of the most important services that we do is the service of establishing companies and carrying out legal services for these companies, including the procedures for establishing and related to tax and legal issues related to the company.

Companies are divided into three types:


Companies (Solidarity Company, Limited Partnership Company, Joint Venture Company)

Mixed companies (limited liability company, partnership limited by shares)

Money companies (joint stock company)

The Egyptian legislator identified two ways to establish companies for young people or for novice investors. The first way is to go to the headquarters of the General Investment Authority in Salah Salam Street in Nasr City, Cairo, while the second method is to establish via the website. The company in its general sense is a capital management with a regulated legal framework, and basic information about the project to be established must be provided in order to determine the type of company that provides more opportunities for the success of the project, as there are more than one type of companies and each type has policies, terms, conditions and legal responsibilities to be implemented registered.

Incorporation procedures

Documents required in the commercial register

Documents required in the Chamber of Commerce

Documents required to obtain a tax card
