Trademark Registration

Trademark registrations are widely used to protect the brand or slogans or coined words that are unique. Trademark registrations can be obtained by individuals or businesses or by non-profit organizations. However, each of the different class of persons or entity that have different requirement while filing the trademark application. The following are eligible for obtaining trademark registration.

Documents Required for Trademark Registration


Following documents are to be submitted to get Trademark registration:

An official extract from the commercial register

Copy of the ID for the personal who have the right to sign on behalf of the company.

Copy of the trademark logo as its used in the field.

An Authorization must be filled in maximum 3 months.

How Trademark Registration is Obtained?


Benefits of getting Trademark registration Why is it necessary to obtain a Trademark registration? There are several reasons to get a trademark registration but most are necessary for all the companies and the willing entrepreneurs as it acts as an important asset for the company. There are many advantages of getting a trademark registration and utilizing the services.


Intellectual Property Protection


Trademark registration provides legal protection against the misuse or copy of the company's name or registered logo. The owner of the trademark receives ownership of the trademark which can be legally upheld in any court. Registering a trademark lets the owner of the trademark receive nationwide ownership of the mark which can be legally upheld in any court.
